Rainbow of Hope for Children
Rainbow of Hope for Children
"Each of us, in big and little ways, can be a rainbow of hope for a child or community, here and now, and make the world a little better, one step at a time"
About Us
About Us
Who? Rainbow of Hope for Children are people committed to personal involvement in projects that help people in our global community to create a more just world for themselves, their families, and their society.
Why? We believe in the value of caring for the earth and its people and that love has no geographical boundaries. We believe in the dignity and justice, regardless of sex, race, creed, religion, or culture. We believe that as members of our global family, all have responsibility to work towards this vision. We have abundant hope that together we can make a difference.
How? Rainbow of Hope for Children channels funds designated by our donors to specific development projects to alleviate suffering and change the structures causing injustice. Rainbow of Hope for Children channels funds designated by our donors to specific development projects to alleviate suffering and change the structures causing injustice. With the support of the Global Affairs Canada (GAC) and the Community Initiatives Program (CIP) of Alberta, we assist our southern International partners with education, life skills, health and wellness, land reform, agriculture and marketing techniques, political awareness, women's capacitation, and empowerment. At home, we provide education services to schools, community and church groups through experienced speakers and our education publication, the NEXUS - linking partners in development.
Where? In 1996, the United Nations declared Brazil the nation with the greatest disparity between rich and poor. The main area of our support has been to projects in Alagoas, one of the poorest states in Brazil. Here we assist the destitute in slums, villages, cities, and the sertao to help themselves improve their conditions. We also support people in Nepal, the Phillipines, Brazil, Central America, East Africa, Mozambique, Ethiopia, and other areas designated by our donors.
How can I help? Everyday you hear of poverty and social injustice in umpteen places in our world. Many people find it easier to ignore this reality, not from a cold heart but believing they can be of little significance. But our work has shown that it is ordinary people who can and do make an extraordinary difference.
No one person or group can solve all the problems, but we can support the destitute and stand with them in solidarity to help them make the changes necessary to improve their lives.
What seems very little, such as a loonie or toonie campaign in a school or parish, a fast to raise funds, or a donation, together is a whole lot. SInce most poverty and injustice is human-made, they can be unmade. Elimination of poverty and injustice can and will be achieved with the involvement and good spirit of large numbers of people. Every support, big or small, is a rainbow of hope. You can choose to be a part of the solution.
Act? Donate what you can, your time, your talents, or your resources. Join Rainbow for Hope for Children Society and help people transform their living conditions.

How To Become Informed
Read books and articles on the developing world.
Log on to social justice web sites such as: thehungersite.com
The Alphonse Gerwing Charitable Foundation Attend conferences and presentations by speakers from developing countries and local NGO's.
Join a group visiting the developing world.
Get to know people from the developing world who now live in your community.